Sunday, February 18, 2007

Too close for comfort - a day in the life of:

Being a driving instructor can be a very scary thing. When I started off in the driving school business I had a Fiat Uno. It used to be known as the “purple turtle” Why? Well it was purple and it was my pride and joy. Anyway back to the story.

One of the first clients I ever took for driving lessons was a lady by the name of Sheila ( real name withheld for obvious reasons ). She used to love wearing these high heel boots that come up to your knees. I arrived at the house, knocked on the door and introduced myself to Sheila. The boots were out in full force. Anyway as we were walking to the car I of course needed to assess whether or not I could trust this person with the “purple turtle”. In other words I needed to make a decision as to whether the client should drive from there or if we should go to a quiet area where we could practice the basics.

This young lady’s response was “Yes” she can drive. So in she got behind the wheel. Adjusted the seat “good”, adjusted the mirror “good”, key in the ignition “good”, start engine “good”, clutch in and select first gear “good”, release clutch too quickly and press accelerator too much “not good”.

Not too far from her house was a sharp left turn. We went around the corner ok. Never straightened the wheel mounted the kerb and almost took out a vibracrete wall.

What I learnt from that experience was that you go with your instinct. Secondly to ensure that the clients wear shoes which are appropriate for driving. You could even drive barefoot if you really wanted to. It helps to give you a good feel of the clutch and the accelerator.


  1. But I thought we are not allowed to drive bare-footed.

    Just need to tell your client to wear proper shoes when going for lessons; i know it may be difficult though.

  2. I cant believe that happened to you, but the other person who left the comment is right but im sure the lady in boots just wanted to look good for you!
